Kuzuyu Tenkei Zinger Powder

Kuzuyu Tenkei 8p - Zinger Powder

Kuzuyu Tenkei

Zinger Powder

Pour boiling water (120 to 150 cc), stir well and drink.

Just mix with the boiling Body warm Rare Japanese book "real arrowroot", using kudzu and Kintoki Shoga. High stomach satisfaction with the sweetness of the oligosaccharides, replaced by diet are also great. From inside the stomach Payne-out and warm up, to the condition of the body. Please help us to support the cooling body-making. Really chill and over women and children is particularly recommended.


These goods have the other line-ups

Kuzuyu Tenkei 2p - Zinger Powder

Kuzuyu Tenkei 2p - Zinger Powder


Kuzuyu Tenkei 32p - Zinger Powder

Kuzuyu Tenkei 32p - Zinger Powder



Product Type食品
Country of manufacture日本
Ingredientsオリゴ糖、吉野葛湯、金時ショウガ末、てんさい糖 ※白砂糖は一切使用しておりません。