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Biorubb eraerodome petitvest ひんやり感じたら簡単に羽織ってあったか体感

Biorubb eraerodome belt zero おなかや腰の冷えや不調におすすめ

Biorubber aerodome supporter

Others 3 entities

About Biorubberaerodome

The "Aerodome" series is a "real thing" that gives "answers" anyway.

In Japan, the concept of chiropractic has not penetrated easily, and medical care is still limited to the approach of internal organs and muscles.

When I wear the zero-position band of the Aerodome vest with it fastened, I think, "Oh, I'm surprised!"

Based on high-purity limestone containing more than 99.7% calcium carbonate, rubber with a honeycomb structure made of microscopic bubbles using a proprietary manufacturing method is blended with rare metals to emit biowaves (infrared rays) that are beneficial to the human body.