Heatley premium blanketfloor Sleep blissfully

Heatley premium blanketfloor

Heatley premium blanketfloor

Sleep blissfully

I don't want to use an electric blanket for my health! It is a recommended bedding for those who say.
The heat storage power of aura cotton greatly exceeds that of down (feathers). Furthermore, since it has a wavelength that resonates with people even in far-infrared rays, it warms well from the core of the body.
I don't want to use an electric blanket for my health! It is a recommended bedding for those who say.

次回入荷予定:2017年9月ごろを予定しております。 サイズ:100×205㎝


About Heatley premium blanketfloor



Product Typebedding
Ingredients生地:アクリル、ポリエステル 中わた:ポリエステル100%(天然鉱石オーラストン含有)

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Aura Iiyudane Bedrock bath in the bath at home

Footwarmer For cold feet, swelling, and standing work

Aura Health Band Warm your stomach and hips with far-infrared rays

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Oyasumi Supporter Supporter for sleep