Crea Medi Towel Quick Drying Hair Drying Towel

P-UP Crea Medi Towel

Crea Medi Towel

Quick Drying Hair Drying Towel

Dry quickly and save time!
Towels are now available as items with "Super Beauty Vibration P\u2012UP Wave"! It absorbs moisture from wet hair thoroughly.

It is available in two colors, "beige" and "gray".


About Crea Medi Towel

Fluffy and smooth to the touch, "P-UP Claire Medi Towel". Its absorption capacity is a surprising quick-drying hair drying towel that takes about 1/4 of the time it takes to towel dry.

It's a little larger than a commercially available face towel, so you can wrap it around your head even if you have long hair.

Just by rolling your hair after a bath, you can absorb moisture well and shorten the dryer time, so it is popular with those who are busy until they go to bed or those who have a hair type that makes it difficult for their hair to dry.

[Size] 37×85cm


* You can choose the color.

Please pay attention

  • ・Please use a laundry net when washing.
  • ・Do not use fabric softener or bleach.
  • ・As the material is sensitive to heat, keep away from hot items and fire.
  • ・Do not use a drying machine or iron.
  • ・ A special fabric is used, so be careful not to get caught in the fabric.


Ingredients80% polyester, 20% nylon

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