Crea Medi Ket Treatment towel that can also be used as a lap throw

P-UP Crea Medi Ket 70 120cm

Treatment towel that can also be used as a lap throw

Fluffy, smooth to the touch
I want to put it on my knees from those who are using "P-UP Claire Medi Towel"! I also want a bath towel! It is a sister product born from the enthusiastic voice.


About Crea Medi Ket

A quick-drying dry towel with a fluffy feel that takes about 1/4 of the towel drying time.

Since it is applied with "Super Beauty Vibration P\u2012UP Wave", it is warm and perfect for lap and shoulder rests.

[Size] 70×120cm


Please pay attention

  • ・Please use a laundry net when washing.
  • ・Do not use fabric softener or bleach.
  • ・As the material is sensitive to heat, keep away from hot items and fire.
  • ・Do not use a drying machine or iron.
  • ・ A special fabric is used, so be careful not to get caught in the fabric.


Ingredients80% polyester, 20% nylon

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