Pinto tronco 正しい姿勢を習慣づける

Pinto Tronco


切り株にちょっと腰掛けるような気軽さの中にも、根拠に基づく快適さが宿る背もたれのない「p!nto TRONCO」。


About Pinto tronco

[Buttocks support] ... It prevents the pelvis from falling on its side and provides the correct position of the sitting bones, which are the key to sitting balance.

[Pelvic support] ... It prevents pelvic distortion and backward tilt and gives the correct position to maintain the foundation of the body.

[Foot support] ... It prevents excess tension in the legs and gives the information to keep the thighs in the correct position, making it easier to move the hip joint.

・Size: Diameter 450mm × Thickness 100mm

・Weight: 1.1kg


IngredientsCushion Material: Polyurethane HR Foam, Cover Fabric: 100% PVC