
LippLi's Toothpaste lineup. Removes bacteria from your mouth and makes your teeth healthy. Brush your teeth every day to reduce the odor of your mouth and strengthen your teeth.

Others 7 entities

Care Polis Maintain teeth, gums, and mouth

Magnesiumtoothbrushing 塩化マグネシウム15%含有

Bio Whitedenshi 天然ハッカ油の爽やかなパウダー歯磨き

Bio Paste Kids Bio Paste認定販売店 No-006

Lima natural dental white パールパウダー配合はみがき粉

Bio Paste 圧倒的な洗浄力と天然成分由来の歯磨き

Pule Tsuya Toothpaste that does not easily get plaque and stains

Others 7 entities